So this is a rough draft of my i-search cover? You like it so far?
I've been alot less stressed about school since there isn't any history projects left for the rest of the year. (thank God! that woman is crazy!) And the only real thing i have is i-search which is just touching up stuff and then finals which I don't have to worry about till later.
and I had the best weekend I've had in a long time.
Friday: My Marc Jacobs necklace came in. :)
Saturday: Time trials. I had crappy times, well they were mostly only a couple seconds off but still, I'm so out of shape. I dropped a second on my free time though which is amazing. And I didn't even try on i.m. because I haven't swam it for two years and I know they would never put me in it anyway. :)
Then after I called Jesse, (I've been trying to reach him for weeks!) and amazingly, he picked up. He said he was skating over at the elementary school by my house. So I went home, showered, got dressed, and went over on my longboard to meet him. When I got there I met his firend David who goes to school with him and he was really polite. Then some other kids came, some where nice and quiet, and some where pot-head jerks. I talked to Jesse while we watched the other kids skate and he said he wants to join the team again and is inviting his friend that was there. So I'm stoked.
After that, I went home, ate mochi (omg, that was delicious), then I started laundry, cleaned my room, did some of my hw. Then I passed the laundry of to Matt because I had to go to Jessicka's house.
With that I packed stuff, hopped in the car and went to Jessicka's house. She now has a pretty car. Their parents took us to this really nice Japanese food place where they cooked the food right in front of you. My brother would have been jealous. I just got the 007 sushi roll which was a california roll but which shrimp on top and cucumber in it too. Then we had green tea ice cream. mhmmmmm.
Then, we went to a really nice movie theatre and Jessicka and I went to watch X-Men while her parent went to watch Angels&Demons. The movie was crazy good but made my shin splints from swimming hurt even more. (How do you get shin splints from swimming?)
We went back home and I fell asleep while watching SNL with Will Ferrel as the host. I don't think it was that funny.
Sunday: We wake up and eat breakfast. Showered. While Jessicka showered I played with the two-year old. She is ah-dorable and my favourite. Then we hopped in the car and went downtown because they were having a festival. It was dying hot! I ended up buying a really cute golden bow clip with a pearl in the middle. Only $2! I thought it would be in the $10-$25 range!
Then I went home. Rested. Watched Survivor. Ate. Worked. Slept. Ate Japanese food, again. Worked. And now writing this. And I have to get back to work.
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