On Sunday afternoon, while I was procrastinating, I noticed that I had these pretty purple tie-dye like flowers popping up in my front yard. They come up every spring and they are like pretty weeds that grow everywhere in my neighbor hood. I think that they are actually a type of wildflower but whatever. So I cut some and washed all the bugs and spiders out, and replaced them with those stupid red Gardeninas that I usually have in my room that die so quickly.
Occasionally, my Mum and I go to this book warehouse by us. It's basically all the leftover books that are from the bookfairs in elementary schools all over the country. And lucky us, the only one in the whole country, is by us. So I pick up a bunch of weird but awesome books from there, because my Mum works there sometimes and she gets paid in books. So I picked up this book on flowers because I just loved all the photos inside of it. That book has so much knowledge. I LOVE IT. There's a quote in there that says,
"Once you start putting flowers in a room, you won't want to live without them."It's so true. I love putting flowers in my room know because it just makes it feel fresher and more alive.
So, tomorrow is Day Three of testing week. It's nice that I have the film teacher. He's kind of strict but laid back at the same time, if that makes any sense. Like he understands that reading the same directions is so annoying. So he just says whatever you know what's going on and he lets us start. He's also showed us the movie Taken. It was really good. I was wide-eyed and my mouth was open the whole time.
The guy would just fight off and kill people like a hot knife through butter,and he's really smart. Truly amazing. So well put together but the ending could have been better.
Today was crazy. I had star testing, relax for a couple minutes at home, go to tutoring, go to an interview, then go to swimming. I had a flaming headache. I'm gonna be crazy busy tomorrow too. My Mum is going to let me skip swimming. This weekend will be just as crazy. Oh joy. Goodnight.
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