05.22- I-Search project turned in. Pretty proud of myself. Realized I indented every paprgraph but one. :( Spent party talking to Molly, Lindz, and Kayla; what a great converstaion we had. Went to Lindz's later where we watched Club Dread and Hot Rod (I love that movie).
05.23- Had coffee with Aparna. :) Had a good conversation as usual and then she gave me an early birthday present which was a pretty purple dress with a scoop neck and ruffles. I love it! I'll wear it on my birthday and June 12. Then we went to Target and looked at the pretty line of clothing. Flipped out over $10 pocket skirts and cost $30 at American Apparel and Pac Sun. But I put my Mum first and got her a cool dress with a blue and white panited design on it which reminded us of greece for a late Mother's day present. Then I went home and later went to my cousin's grad dinner which involved delicious chinese food at my favourite place. then we went pack to my Grandma's house where we sipped dozens of cups of tea till midnight. Talked about visiting my loving aunt in Washington next summer. and went home.
05.24- I went to the Art and Wind Fest in San Ramon. :) I met up with Adam and Brandon. Adam had to walk around in a banana suit. Lol! I explored a bit while Brandon had to work, the booths were cool and found myself staring at this photo of Arizona for a good 10 minutes. I was suprised by Brandon, Phil, and Jake who I had saw in a photography booth earlier. Then I finally bought the photo.

Jim Guthrie has breath-taking photos and you can find the here : www.panoscapes.com
We walked around. Got pizza. Got ice cream. Played around. Took pictures. Then I had to got to my cousin's house where I fell asleep uncomfortably on the couch, talked and ate, and had desert.

That was a great day and I made some pretty ah-mazing new friends. :) Thanks to Jake and the picture, I'm falling in love with photography again.

by Jake.
(more photos to come.)
05.25- Ran a mile. The blue wizard and witch hippies arrived at my house. I got a cool gold leaf necklace and some trippy earrings from the hippie. I got the chance to play around with my uncle's Nikon D60. And the newly weds came by and gave me my polariod camera back with a pack of left over film. Yes! Then we sat around, and had a good meal.

05.26- They moved our swimming lanes around and I got extremely mad for putting me in a lane with beginners and a creep. I've been on the team for four years. What was up with that?! Then we were doing sprints and I thought I heard the coach giving $5 to the winner. I swam and it was perfect, the flip turn and everthing, I was told that I was ahead of the whole group by three body lengths; they had certainly displaced me. And my Mum was watched my brother instead, so I got super pissed off and grabbed my stuff and tromped off to the car.
05.27- I was grumpy the whole day. At practice they had put me in a lane above my original lane from last year. I was satisfied.
05.28- I was called out of English and I walking down to the office to be informed that they had cut my Fashion Merchandising class. I was devistated. I didn't know what to say. The kind counsoler wasn't realizing that that was cutting off a plan i had for college, a dream. He wasn't seeing how important this class was to me. The only class that I would ever have the most joy and excell in was cut off. Spending all that time studying and my free time on something that I loved.
Being a visual leaner and not a thinker, he put a list of classes in front of me and told me to pick new classes. And that's just what I did. He didn't realize that maybe this was changing everything for me, that maybe I needed more time to think this over, that maybe I needed to talk to my family about it first, that maybe I didn't want to go through the same situation last year when I had my classes taken away from me and put in something I didn't want, that maybe we could push a stupid sophmore out of photography because I would be a junior and I should get more priority.
So at the moment, I thought "What is the next best thing?" I picked Chemistry to get done with it and Publications because I thought that would be for the school newspaper because I didn't like the Fashion reporter. But I was later told that it was actually yearbook stuff and that the teacher sucked. I would have to have my Mum call in later and demand that I get into a class that is better for my future, probably photography.
I walked back to class in tears. Kayla came out of class to go to the bath room and comforted me for a while. Then I sucked it up and went back into English.
After school I went tutoring. Walked to Mum's work. I told her what happened. Her reaction was having her jaw dropped for a good minute. She got me some Golden Gate Chocolate frozen yogurt to cheer me up. Then I sat in the car for an extra half hour where I worked on my Oedipus Rex timeline piece (which I must say turned out pretty good), texted Jake, then got into the water.
05.29- I watched Jessicka cut ten inches off her hair.

05.30- Swim meet with Penguins. Played with super cute kitties.
Free- failed (I thought my suit fell off), but managed to get the same time.
Breast- SUPER failed. (of course I will! That's not my stroke and I was up against the best breastroker in the whole league!)
I.M.- lost goggles but dropped four seconds and came first in my heat.
Free Relay- dropped a second.
We won by alot.
Went to Alex's. Ate. Watched Charlie's Angels. Photoshoot-ish. Went home. Watched So You Think You Can Dance, and the finale of American Idol that I never saw. It was crazy.
I love this boy.
05.31- Last day of May. Still sick. HW. Invited Jake on lookbook. :) Laundry. and this whole blog that took a really long time to make. need to finish laundry and get back to work.