I'm sorry I haven't been able to update my blog in a while. School has been crazy and alof of work and fun. So here are all the pictures from my August 2009. (Alot of the photos are via phone so sorry if they suck.)
August 1, 2009

Alex composed an incredible video of our day! Watch it! :)
August 2, 2009.
Art & Wine Fest.
My Mum and I got his new book and I got a picture of Paris.
Check out his work, it's great.
Berkely Day.

First time I ever went to Berkley, I think. I self dyed these leggings the day before. They were inspired by the ones at American Apparel. They were supposed to be black and white but due to my impatientness, they turned out a some sort of blue and white. I think it looks better that way though, and I love them to death. The necklace is self made too. I got alot of compliments on my outfit that day. Especially my shoes. :)
August 5, 2009.
Jessicka's Birthday.

August 6, 2009
Spent alot of time at Borders.

Went to the beach. (with youth group.)

August 15, 2009
American Rag + Teen Vogue Event.

So, this is the outfit I picked out. It was really hard to pick out stuff there that was me, because American Rag wasn't my style. So I did my best. It was interesting Teen Vogue events don't come to my area that much and their were alot of other girls picking out stuff. I still don't even know the results of it yet. But it was a good day because I got to hang out with Brandon and Jessicka.
August 20, 2009.
Second Round of Vans Warped Tour 2009.
(My camera died when I got there even though I charged it ALL night.)
The second round of Warped Tour was alright. I got to hang out with my good friend Jamie again. I wasn't used to the set up so I didn't get to meet everyone I wanted to. I saw alot of the same bands at last time. All Time Low was ah-mazing and their crowd was insane, but I've been in worse. Someone was crowd surfing and kicked poor Jamie in the head which caused us to miss VersaEmerge, again. So hopefully we'll see them again October 23.
August 23, 2009Alice in Wonderland Sweet 16 Party.
August 23, 2009Alice in Wonderland Sweet 16 Party.

August 24, 2009
Back to School.

August 26, 2009
A camp out with Lindz, Kristina, & Amanda.

August 30, 2009
Fleamarket + Picnic.

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