so this is how my burfday went according to brandonbearr.
"Oh! Jenae’s birthday was OFF THE CHAIN! first time ive been to her house and it was so cool! first there was the mailbox which was one of those old style golden flap kind. then there was a TRAMPOLINE!!!!!! i love trampolines. there was also a narrow door above Jenae’s bed which led to a stuffy place where you sneeze a lot? well, enough about her house. there was Phil, Jake, Jenae of course, her friend Icka (Jessicka/Lizzy) and me. we had a swell time. at first Phil, Jake and I were huddled on the floor of Jenae’s room not knowing what to do but look around at all the interesting things hanging on the walls and from the ceiling. but later we all got used to each other. we went down stairs to watch/listen to Jake’s beautiful ballad on the piano and to get ready to head toward Niles. on the way to Niles, we walked to a dock at a small lake near Jenae’s house. Jake took some photos of Jenae for Teen Vogue i believe it was. we also saw a small bat chillin on part of the dock. we then headed toward Niles where Charlie Chaplin had his career. it was a nice, enjoyable, quaint town with antique stores everywhere. we went inside a few of them and looked around. When we were done, we took a different way back to Jenae’s house that reminded me VERY MUCH of ‘The Sandlot’. i want to film a film over in Niles. it really is a pretty place and im very glad i had the pleasure of going there with my very best friends. we got to Jenae’s house and Jake and Phil and I went to the back where the trampoline was with two rabbits in their cages next to it. we jumped a while, then Jenae and Icka joined us. so much fun. Jenae went off to open her new purple Nikon digital camera. Jake went to help her, then Phil went to play with the chalk. Icka and i just jumped for a while until we got tired and just layed down. we all then had a fun time looking at my baby picture of myself crying on Santa’s lap along with a game of ‘Hey Smacka-Doodle’ on the trampoline. Jenae’s dad made us salmon and cheeseburgers. i had a cheeseburger. it was very delicious. then the time came for Jake, Phil and me to leave. we took Polaroids in Jenae’s room and in front of her house. they were very nice pictures, but i felt bad because Icka wasnt in them :/ We said our goodbyes and had our lovely hugs and we were off. i had the most fun in a LONG time and im glad i got to spend it with my dear friends."
here are the photos:
"Oh! Jenae’s birthday was OFF THE CHAIN! first time ive been to her house and it was so cool! first there was the mailbox which was one of those old style golden flap kind. then there was a TRAMPOLINE!!!!!! i love trampolines. there was also a narrow door above Jenae’s bed which led to a stuffy place where you sneeze a lot? well, enough about her house. there was Phil, Jake, Jenae of course, her friend Icka (Jessicka/Lizzy) and me. we had a swell time. at first Phil, Jake and I were huddled on the floor of Jenae’s room not knowing what to do but look around at all the interesting things hanging on the walls and from the ceiling. but later we all got used to each other. we went down stairs to watch/listen to Jake’s beautiful ballad on the piano and to get ready to head toward Niles. on the way to Niles, we walked to a dock at a small lake near Jenae’s house. Jake took some photos of Jenae for Teen Vogue i believe it was. we also saw a small bat chillin on part of the dock. we then headed toward Niles where Charlie Chaplin had his career. it was a nice, enjoyable, quaint town with antique stores everywhere. we went inside a few of them and looked around. When we were done, we took a different way back to Jenae’s house that reminded me VERY MUCH of ‘The Sandlot’. i want to film a film over in Niles. it really is a pretty place and im very glad i had the pleasure of going there with my very best friends. we got to Jenae’s house and Jake and Phil and I went to the back where the trampoline was with two rabbits in their cages next to it. we jumped a while, then Jenae and Icka joined us. so much fun. Jenae went off to open her new purple Nikon digital camera. Jake went to help her, then Phil went to play with the chalk. Icka and i just jumped for a while until we got tired and just layed down. we all then had a fun time looking at my baby picture of myself crying on Santa’s lap along with a game of ‘Hey Smacka-Doodle’ on the trampoline. Jenae’s dad made us salmon and cheeseburgers. i had a cheeseburger. it was very delicious. then the time came for Jake, Phil and me to leave. we took Polaroids in Jenae’s room and in front of her house. they were very nice pictures, but i felt bad because Icka wasnt in them :/ We said our goodbyes and had our lovely hugs and we were off. i had the most fun in a LONG time and im glad i got to spend it with my dear friends."
here are the photos:

my entry for teen vogue! please make a comment on my photo. this is really important to me. :) entry is ending june 29, and it's really important right now to comment on it so i can at least get in the top 20! :) i have a chance in getting into teen vogue!

brandon bear! :)
and polariods!
jake! :)
philbot! :)

Finals were whatever, you know. I am so glad to be over with it. My parents aren't happy with my GPA. I probably have three A's, a B, and two C's. Thanks to douchebag Farmer. That C rightly deserved to be a B. ugghghghghgh. Since that there was a weird tension between my parents and I. I also made a huge mistake on the last day of school. I didn't know she took the day off to go shopping with me at the book fair. I thought it was just for Matt's graduation and I never thought it was official. So I had Kayla come over and we watched A Goofy Movie and talked about the past and stuff I didn't know about. It was cool, but I probably should have went to the book fair with my mom. I also missed out on picking up alot of cool books to read over the summer. I'll just stick to the ones I have and make more trips to the library till next time. I also got a giftcard to Border's from Molly. So I'll be fine.
So I did chores on Thursday. Swim meet today...
I'm nervous about camp. I'm nervous about people clinging to me. I'm nervous about what my old friends have become, and if i share a cabin with them. I'm nervous about meeting new people. I love it, but I haven't done it in a while. I have a new camera for it. :) I didn't get the chance to go shopping. I haven't packed yet. I need to have the best wardrobe there. I can't overpack. I tie-dyed shirts, hopefully they come out cool. I still need to finish the laundry. And I have this churning feeling in my stomach. Will this be a life-changing experience like it was three years ago when I first met Matt? Will it be more amazing than that summer? How will the people be? I just need to keep talling myself, "Breathe. And just go into the flow."
Too bad I can't update from camp. I'll just have to write it down and type it up later. :)
till then.